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Ctrl+Alt Museum

New Museum of Computer Science in Pavia, the microcosm of vintage computers and mobile phones (but not only)
  • Art & Culture
Ctrl+Alt Museum
369 mt

Kosmos Natural History Museum

  • Art & Culture
Kosmos Natural History Museum
430 mt

Church Of Saint Salvatore Pavia

San Salvatore was an ancient and powerful monastery of Pavia
  • Art & Culture
Church Of Saint Salvatore Pavia
452 mt

Camillo Golgi Museum

The museum preserves the historical and scientific heritage of the former Institute of General Pathology of Pavia
  • Art & Culture
Camillo Golgi  Museum
475 mt

Chiesa di S. Maria del Carmine

  • Religious Tourism
S. M. Del Carmine – Pavia
646 mt

Church Of Saint Giovanni Domnarum

  • Art & Culture
Church Of Saint Giovanni Domnarum
660 mt

Following history’s trails. Who is the Sun King?

  • Art & Culture
Sun King’s equestrian statue, Monuments Pavia
715 mt

Church of Saint Teodoro - Pavia

The church was built in the second half of the 12th century to house the remains of Saint Theodore
  • Religious Tourism
Church of Saint Teodoro - Pavia
723 mt

Cathedral of Pavia

The most impressive church in Pavia to whose design Leonardo Da Vinci contributed
  • Religious Tourism
Cathedral of Pavia
731 mt

The Diocesan Museum of Pavia

  • Art & Culture
The Diocesan Museum of Pavia
736 mt

Basilica di San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro

  • Religious Tourism
Basilica di San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro
799 mt

Palazzo del Broletto

The old town hall of Pavia, which housed the institution until 1875
  • Art & Culture
Palazzo del Broletto
822 mt

University Library of Pavia

  • Art & Culture
Salone Teresiano
894 mt

Fraschini theatre

  • Art & Culture
Fraschini theatre
904 mt

Arnaboldi Dome

The Arnaboldi Gallery is a commercial gallery that, in the form of a covered pedestrian street, connects Strada Nuova to Piazza del Lino.
  • Art & Culture
Arnaboldi Dome
912 mt

Pavia University Hisotry Museum

  • Art & Culture
Pavia University Hisotry Museum
921 mt

Aula Magna of the University of Pavia

  • Art & Culture
Aula Magna of the University of Pavia
958 mt

Pavia University Campus

An ancient and glorious history. Alessandro Volta, Ugo Foscolo, Carlo Rubbia sat on the professorships of the University of Pavia
  • Art & Culture
Pavia University Campus
990 mt

From Pavia to Abbiategrasso

  • Cycle Tourism
From Pavia to Abbiategrasso
1 km

Ponte Coperto Bridge

  • Art & Culture
Ponte Coperto Bridge
1.01 km