Religious Tourism
Dirt roads leading to a monastery or abbey. Paths that run through the countryside, immersed in the silence that accompanies the rhythm of steps and thoughts.
120 km
The province of Pavia has a religious heritage, still little known but certainly very interesting to discover!
The Via Francigena
Cultural Route of the Council of Europe
- Religious Tourism

Da Vercelli a Robbio
Prima tappa della Via Francigena
- Religious Tourism

Da Robbio a Mortara
Seconda tappa della Via Francigena
- Religious Tourism

Da Mortara a Garlasco
Terza tappa della Via Francigena
- Religious Tourism

Da Garlasco a Pavia
Quarta tappa della Via Francigena
- Religious Tourism

Da Pavia a Santa Cristina e Bissone
Quinta tappa della Via Francigena
- Religious Tourism

Da Santa Cristina e Bissone a Orio Litta
Sesta tappa della Via Francigena
- Religious Tourism

Churches Pavia
The wonders of faith and the marvels of architecture in splendid religious buildings
- Religious Tourism

La via degli Abati
A route rich in history and tradition that runs through a land of utterly unique landscapes, unchanged over time
- Religious Tourism

Via Francisca del Lucomagno
A historical route that extends from Constance to Pavia and then joins the Via Francigena to Rome
- Religious Tourism

Itinerario sulle tracce di San Colombano
Un viaggio tra natura, memoria e religione, sulle orme del Santo irlandese
- Religious Tourism

Dalla Certosa di Pavia a Pavia
La ventiseiesima ed ultima giornata del Cammino di Sant'Agostino
- Religious Tourism

Cathedral of Pavia
The most impressive church in Pavia to whose design Leonardo Da Vinci contributed
- Religious Tourism

Certosa di Pavia
The Certosa di Pavia, a monastery built by Gian Galeazzo Visconti as a family chapel, is connected to the castle by the Visconteo Park.
- Religious Tourism

Duomo di Vigevano
It delimits the eastern side of the Piazza Ducale, with its grandiose Baroque façade
- Religious Tourism

Eremo di Sant'Alberto di Butrio
Set up from a miraculous healing, the religious building immersed in the quiet of the Apennines
- Religious Tourism

Temple of Peoples' Fraternity
- Religious Tourism

Church of Saint Teodoro - Pavia
The church was built in the second half of the 12th century to house the remains of Saint Theodore
- Religious Tourism

Lungo la riva destra del torrente Terdoppio, sulla strada che collega Pavia Mortara è il primo punto tappa della Via Francigena
- Villages

Pieve Romanica di San Zaccaria
A poco più di 2 km da Godiasco, in valle Ardivestra nel comune di Rocca Susella un gioiello in stile romanico lombardo
- Art & Culture

Oratory of San Giacomo Of Cerreta - Belgioioso
- Art & Culture

Sanctuary of Santa Maria della Bozzola Garlasco
- Religious Tourism

Sanctuary of Madonna del Campo - Mortara
- Religious Tourism

Torricella Verzate
Il Santuario della Passione attorniato dalle Cappelle della Via Crucis è costruito su di uno sperone roccioso di origine vulcanica
- Religious Tourism

Basilica of San Michele Maggiore
- Art & Culture

Abbazia di Sant'Albino
Abbey of Saint Albino (VIII century) on the Via Francigena
- Religious Tourism

Chiesa dei Cappuccini
- Art & Culture

Church Of San Lanfranco
The church of Saint Lanfranco and its monastery were erected in Pavia, on the north bank of the river Ticino
- Art & Culture

Church of Saint Francesco
The church of Saint Francesco in Pavia shows a clear separation between the Romanesque architecture and the late Gothic
- Art & Culture

Church Of Saint Giovanni Domnarum
- Art & Culture

Church Of Saint Salvatore Pavia
San Salvatore was an ancient and powerful monastery of Pavia
- Art & Culture

Chiesa di S. Maria del Carmine
- Religious Tourism

Abbazia di Acqualunga
- Art & Culture

Santa Croce abbey - Mortara
The Santa Croce abbey was instead the church of Ordine Mortariense
- Religious Tourism