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Agritourism in Pavia: where you feel ‘naturally’ at home

Dove è naturale sentirsi a casa
  • Food & Wine
Agritourism in Pavia: where you feel ‘naturally’ at home

La via degli Abati

A route rich in history and tradition that runs through a land of utterly unique landscapes, unchanged over time
  • Religious Tourism
La via degli Abati

Wine tastings and cellars in broni

At the foot of the Pavia hills, Broni, where wine is poetry
  • Food & Wine
Wine tastings and cellars in Broni


Il miccone è un pane tipico dell'Oltrepò Pavese con crosta croccante e mollica compatta ma morbida.
  • Food & Wine

From Milano to Pavia

  • Itinerari
From Milano to Pavia

Greenway Voghera Varzi

A green way towards the Appennines
  • Itinerari
Greenway Voghera Varzi

Zucca Bertagnina di Dorno

, A Dorno, la coltura della zucca vanta una tradizione antica. In particolare storicamente veniva coltivata una zucca denominata “Bertagnina”.
  • Food & Wine
Zucca Bertagnina di Dorno

Between the plains and the hills

  • Itinerari
Between the plains and the hills