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Oltrepò Pavese

Good food, excellent wine, medieval villages. The Oltrepò Pavese surprises and conquers with its charm.

Come discover Oltrepò Pavese. It is the perfect destination for a memorable nature vacation with numerous town fairs, and authentic local flavors.


A vacation in Oltrepò Pavese means going to the part of the Pavia province that is south of the river. It teems with attractions of great natural and historical interest, a unique landscape that can only be found in the Oltrepò.

Lombardy boasts outstanding valleys and Alpine peaks alongside the largest plains in Italy, plus other surprises you will find along the way. 

These hills have a long winemaking history, its inhabitants grow precious grape varieties in order to create DOC wines: Barbera, Bonarda, Sangue di Giuda, Buttafuoco, Pinot, Riesling, Cortese, Moscato, and the sparkling Spumante, recognized with the controlled designation of origin in 2007. 

The Wine Trail traverses fascinating localities: nature itineraries, rows of century-old vineyards that sorround beautiful XIXth villas and fortified villages. It connects the land's wineries is the ideal way to get to know more about it.

Back in medieval times, hamlets in Lombardy were connected to various castles. Some of them are in ruins, although others are open to the public, such as the Fortress of Zavattarello, which hosts contemporary art collections.

Take me here: Oltrepò Pavese

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