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Wine Cellars in Casteggio

An ancient village in the Oltrepò Pavese, rich in high quality vineyards

Wine cellars in Casteggio are a particularly popular destination among wining cellars in Oltrepò Pavese.

This zone is the ideal location for food and wine tourism in Lombardy, which is already famous for its delicacies.  

Visiting the Region allows enthusiasts and connoisseurs to savor the distinct  food products of this bountiful land, specialy for whoever follows the Wine and Flavor Trails of Oltrepò Pavese. The origins of this borough in the province of Pavia date back to the VIth century B.C. 

Begin a tourism itinerary by seeing historic monuments such as the Collegiate Church of San Pietro Martire, towering over the town center, or its Fountain, where it is said that Hannibal the Conqueror used for watering his elephants. 

Casteggio is widely known for OltreVini, a winery event that takes place here every year. It is hosted at the Truffi Fairgrounds, showcasing the work of local winemakers and allowing visitors to meet them and find the perfect bottle to go with today's recipes.  

There is a rich events calendar of diverse shows, tasting sessions and live cooking demonstrations that guarantee an entertaining day full of activities and great cuisine. 

Wine cellars in Casteggio will leave a pleasant memory of your vacations.    

Take me here: Wine Cellars in Casteggio

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