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Agritourism in Pavia: where you feel ‘naturally’ at home


The province of Pavia, from an agritourist point of view mainly means Oltrepò and Lomellina. The hills at the Oltrepò Pavese have always been one of the most fascinating tourist destinations, both in terns of culture and food and wine.

The hills, as you gradually go through the valley, become higher and steeper, until they adopt, near the passes towards Emilia, the flavour of true mountains. A land of wine, salamis, game, cheeses. And of delightful excursions with every possible means of transport.


Scarica la guida cartacea

Other links

Scopri gli Agriturismi in Lombardia su:  www.agriturismo.regione.lombardia.it


See also

The Wine Valleys

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