• Food & Wine

Weddings in Oltrepò Pavese, a land of picturesque villages and unique culinary products

Where the wine flows and there's a castle perched on every hill: Oltrepò Pavese is the southernmost area of the Province of Pavia in Lombardy.

Brimming with natural beauty, this little-known region has plenty to offer, whether you want to get away from the city for a few days or celebrate an unforgettable wedding. The green hills and local specialities of Oltrepò Pavese make it the ideal destination for elegant nuptials or relaxing wedding weekends.


Delicious food and wine for your wedding in Oltrepò Pavese

The small villages of Oltrepò Pavese have something for everyone: art and history enthusiasts, nature lovers, and dedicated foodies. For each of the rolling valleys of the Oltrepò, there is a unique microclimate, allowing the vineyards to create world-renowned wines with distinctive characteristics, including Pinot Nero, Barbera and Moscato.

These wines pair perfectly with cured meats, including the celebrated Salame di Varzi PDO; cow and goat's cheeses; traditional recipes like Schita; local products such as peppers, onion and Mostarda di Voghera; Berettina di Lungavilla pumpkins; truffles; mushrooms; and classic desserts including almond cake and Staghiglione doughnuts. Discover all these delicacies on your wedding day or on a food and wine tour as part of your wedding weekend.

Wine represents a bond between people and places. Let nature be your guide as you experience the different seasons and flavours of the land, transforming your wedding weekend into an unforgettable sensory experience. 


Weddings exploring the delights of Lombardy: from La Via del Sale to La Strada del Vino

La Via del Sale is an ancient salt road dating back to the Middle Ages. Made up of several stretches between the Po Valley and the Ligurian Riviera, it makes an appearance in our favourite region: Oltrepò Pavese. Starting in the town of Varzi, the 80 km path will take you all the way to San Fruttuoso in Liguria. Over four days of walking, you can take in breathtaking views from Monte Lavagnola and Monte Chiappo, admire churches, castles and villages in a landscape where time seems to stand still, and wander paths immersed in nature. A truly unique itinerary, La Via del Sale is a chance to discover a whole host of local wonders, ideal for an adventurous wedding weekend

The road is paved with unforgettable moments: immerse yourself in the history of the region and a postcard landscape of vines, cultivated fields, rice fields, hills and paths. To discover the timeless scenery and ancient traditions of Oltrepò Pavese, be sure to check out La Strada del Vino and the six "Guidando con gusto" itineraries, which can be travelled by car, motorbike or bicycle.

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Weddings in Oltrepò Pavese, a land of picturesque villages and unique culinary products

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  • Food & Wine
Weddings in Oltrepò Pavese, a land of picturesque villages and unique culinary products