
Più di cinquanta sono i comuni del pavese, disseminati tra campagne coltivate a frumento, riso e granturco ed attraversate da una fitta rete di canali d'irrigazione al cui progetto partecipò anche Leonardo da Vinci.

650 km²
189 394


The Lands of Kings

A great historical and architectural tour trough the Middle Ages and Reinassance
  • Lifestyle
The Lands of Kings

10 good reasons visit Pavia

  • Art & Culture
Pavia Piazza della Vittoria

Monuments Pavia

Ancient squares, historic houses, statues, religious buildings, museums ... in Pavia and its province
  • Art & Culture
Monument Pavia, what to see

Pavia area by bike

Bridges, embankments and vineyards in a land that alternates between hills and the plain.
  • Cycle Tourism
Pavia area by bike

Ciclovia del Po

It stretches from the confluence of the Ticino and Po rivers to Parpanese harbour in Arena Po. The track is suitable for both walkers and cyclists with sections through Oltrepò river bank towns and others along the Po itself.
  • Active & Green
Ciclovia del Po

Museo della Certosa di Pavia

Una magnifica panoramica delle grandi personalità artistiche che lavorarono alla Certosa di Pavia
  • Art & Culture
Museo della Certosa di Pavia

Between the Ticino and Po rivers

Alla scoperta di acque e castelli in provincia di Pavia
  • Active & Green
Between the Ticino and Po rivers

Gardens Pavia

Not just the city: a walk through botanic gardens and oasis for a green break
  • Active & Green
Gardens Pavia, discovering Lombardy

Il Fiume Azzurro e le sue acque

Qualche suggerimento per trascorrere una giornata fuoriporta con i bambini
  • Active & Green
Rafting sul Fiume Ticino

Churches Pavia

The wonders of faith and the marvels of architecture in splendid religious buildings
  • Religious Tourism
Church Pavia, what to see

La via degli Abati

A route rich in history and tradition that runs through a land of utterly unique landscapes, unchanged over time
  • Religious Tourism
La via degli Abati

The Via Francigena

Cultural Route of the Council of Europe
  • Religious Tourism
The Via Francigena

Museums Pavia

Masterpieces of art, treasures and centuries-old traditions in the museums of Pavia and surroundings
  • Art & Culture

Castles Pavia

Towers, walls, ditches .. a journey between fortresses and sumptuous historic houses
  • Art & Culture
Castles Pavia

Parco del Ticino

Safeguard of Biodiversity and Environment, Quality of Life
  • Parks
Parco del Ticino

Visconti park

The medieval splendor come alive in today's Pavia.
  • Active & Green
Visconti Park

A relaxing pause in Pavia thermal baths

  • Wellness
Guide to Pavia's thermal baths

Riso Pavese

La provincia di Pavia, Capitale Italiana del Riso
  • Food & Wine

Theaters Pavia

Opera, prose, dance and theatrical review .... the theater in Pavia and the province is staged
  • Art & Culture
Theaters Pavia, cultural vacations in Lombardy

Ponte della Becca

  • Active & Green
Ponte della Becca

A Day in Pavia

When organizing your trip to Lombardy do not forget to visit Pavia
  • Art & Culture
A Day in Pavia

Il Pavese, verso il cuore della Bassa

  • Art & Culture
Pavese cuore pianura padana - Chignolo Po

Zuppa Pavese Recipe

The pavese soup, taste of old dishes, those that were born from the few ingredients available
  • Food & Wine
Zuppa Pavese recipe, a soup fit for a king

Naviglio Pavese

The Naviglio Pavese was a dream come true, the dream that had lasted five centuries of a direct link between Pavia and Milan.

Da Milano alla Certosa di Pavia

La venticinquesima giornata del Cammino di Sant'Agostino
  • Religious Tourism
da Milano a Certosa di Pavia

Dalla Certosa di Pavia a Pavia

La ventiseiesima ed ultima giornata del Cammino di Sant'Agostino
  • Religious Tourism
da Certosa di Pavia a Pavia


Certosa di Pavia

The Certosa di Pavia, a monastery built by Gian Galeazzo Visconti as a family chapel, is connected to the castle by the Visconteo Park.
  • Religious Tourism
La Certosa di Pavia

Ponte Coperto Bridge

  • Art & Culture
Ponte coperto di Pavia (Ph: I Mille)

Basilica di San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro

  • Religious Tourism
Basilica di San Pietro in Ciel d’Oro

Naviglio Pavese

The Naviglio Pavese was a dream come true, the dream that had lasted five centuries of a direct link between Pavia and Milan.

The Chignolo Po Castle

"La Versailles della Lombardia" (cit. Marc'Antonio Dal Re)
  • Art & Culture
The Chignolo Po Castle

Belgioioso Castle

  • Art & Culture
Castello di Belgioioso

Pavia University Campus

An ancient and glorious history. Alessandro Volta, Ugo Foscolo, Carlo Rubbia sat on the professorships of the University of Pavia
  • Art & Culture
Statua di Antonio Bordoni, Università di Pavia.

San Zenone Al Po

  • Villages
San Zenone Al Po

Sant'alessio Con Vialone

  • Active & Green
Sant'alessio Con Vialone


  • Villages

Castello di Lardirago

  • Art & Culture
Castello di Lardirago

Musei Civici di Pavia

All’interno dello splendido Castello costruito da Galeazzo Visconti tra il 1360 e il 1365
  • Art & Culture
Musei Civici di Pavia

Costa de' Nobili

  • Villages
Costa de' Nobili

Oratory of San Giacomo Of Cerreta - Belgioioso

  • Art & Culture
Oratory of San Giacomo Of Cerreta - Belgioioso


  • Villages

Cathedral of Pavia

The most impressive church in Pavia to whose design Leonardo Da Vinci contributed
  • Religious Tourism
Cathedral of Pavia

Monastery Santa Cristina e Bissone

  • Art & Culture
Monastery Santa Cristina e Bissone

Inverno E Monteleone

  • Villages
Inverno E Monteleone

Santa Cristina E Bissone

  • Villages
Santa Cristina E Bissone

Aula Magna dell'Univeristà di Pavia

  • Art & Culture
Aula Magna dell'Univeristà di Pavia

Vairano circuit

Automotive Safety Centre
  • Lifestyle
Vairano circuit

University Library of Pavia

  • Art & Culture
Salone Teresiano

Chiesa di S. Maria del Carmine

  • Religious Tourism
Chiesa di S. Maria del Carmine


  • Villages